Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Best Friend

Sarah flew out to visit me over the fourth of July. She was a sight for sore eyes. The mystery of love never fails to amaze me! We spent the weekend exploring Newport, RI and just enjoying each other's company. It was also the first time I was able to feel the baby move!
  1. The hardest part of being called to serve is the cost my family has to, and will have to pay. Without Sarah's support I could not, nor would I even attempt to do this. It is really beautiful to see how God has been strengthening both of us. Truly, it is "in Him that we live and move and have our being."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pull Chocks and Kick Rocks

"Pull Chocks and Kick Rocks" was the motto for Uniform Company and a week ago Friday I did just that as I graduated from Officer Development School (Officer Boot Camp).
It is a little sad that I will no longer have to be awoken with a bullhorn or dust my window sill 5 times a day. Whatever will I do with my time?
All in all it was a fun experience. God showed me the just how funny life really is and just how important it is to take care of one another.--jdw

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mama Mama Can't You See

"Mama, Mama, can't you see what the Navy's done to me..." Two weeks down and ten to go, three more for this first phase of my training. Rhode Island is beautiful. I am enjoying early mornings (3:30 am) with a little physical training strarting at 5:00 am. The food here rivals any federal institution. My Chief (Drill Instructor) is a very motivating gentleman, quick to encourage me and remind me how smart I really am as an officer. Please continue to keep Sarah and me in prayer. She has the tougher part as our soon to be child is constantly reminder her of his/her presence. Deus Est Semper Fi! --jdw

Monday, May 5, 2008


Wow our time of departure from Kansas City is here. Next week I will be heading out for Rhode Island and the following week Sarah will be going to Maryland. We have been in Kansas City for 4 years. I am grateful for all God has brought us through and I am excited about what awaits us. Keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

9 Weeks and Lookn' Good!

Today we had our second sonagram! Baby is doing great, while Mama is battling morning/evening sickness. I am just excited. In fact when the sickness started I was jumping up and down--though not for long.--jdw

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Penciled In

From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Jacksonville... North Carolina that is... tar heels... sandy beaches... and Marines. As of right now Sarah and I are "penciled in" for the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, Camp Lejuene, NC. We are excited for this oppurtunity to serve our God and the Men and Women of the Corps.--jdw

Monday, February 11, 2008


On Friday, February 8, 2008 I was commissioned for Active Duty as a LTj.g. in the Chaplain Corps. This was yet another great day in the journey Sarah and I are on. It was a beautiful morning with my wife and mother present. My wife was cheesing and my Mom crying. For the three years he had to deal with me I think even my commissioning officer had a tear in his eye.

Stay tuned as we find out in about month where we will be stationed. We are praying for Hawaii and preparing for North Carolina. --jdw

Monday, February 4, 2008

G.I. Jesus

I am wrestling with a huge theological issue: Should I buy a Jesus Action Figure? Enjoy your laughter but it was burned into my Christian DNA - "thou shalt not have any images of Jesus." Yet this is the coolest thing since G.I. Joe!!
I had a whole bunch of G.I. Joes growing up, of which Snake Eyes is the all time coolest!!! I spent hours and hours with my friends fighting and taking over the evil COBRA. Sometimes, okay a lot of the time, we would become our favorite G.I. Joe and take on the bad guy of the day--jumpin' and kickn' butt. There is something so cool about action heroes. They represent a strong answer to all that can go wrong in our world. Where evil is at work... G.I. Joe is there.
As I am entering Lent I am seeking to gain a new appreciation for what it means to follow Jesus. Our church is spending every saturday until easter reflecting on the Jesus' journey to the cross. What actions did Jesus take that shape my everyday actions. How did he face the evil of his day? Heavy stuff... did I mention they have a Deluxe Jesus with glowing Hands?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blog Blog Blog

In my excitement to refresh my blog
I found myself in a fog
It seemed so simple at first
Now my mind needs a burst
O for something useful to share
O for something... anything I don't care
A wise Chaplain told me to keep it fresh... keep it new
To write propheticly and give you somethin' to chew
Instead your stuck with my pitful rhyme
Maybe you'll get somethin' better next time

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

JT vs. GMT

Since today is New Year’s Day and I am thinking about time I thought I would share with you about the time war occurring in my own soul. I had all hopes and aspirations of leaving this coming week to resume my military career and fulfill God’s calling on my life as a Chaplain. To my utter surprise I have learned this last month and a half that God and the United States Navy do not operate on JT (Jay Time). This has been mind boggling and the cause of endless frustrated daydreams.

Part of my anxiety comes from self imposed guilt. There are women and men who have been doing their part for the last five years while I have been attending school. Part of it arises from my eagerness to fulfill God’s calling on my life as a Chaplain. Part of it comes from my ADHD and my three year itch to move (thanks to my previous military experiences). And so in my recent reminder that the world does not operate on JT I have heard God’s small, still voice scream “Just Chill Jay, your time will come.”

GMT (God’s Magnificent Timing, not Greenwich Mean Time), seems so allusive at times to follow. It is easy to look back and say “oh God’s timing is so perfect,” but in the moment my watch is not set to GMT and I wonder why God is not following my schedule. Then I am reminded I am not the one who hung the moon and the stars or Jupiter or Mars… PTL!

I know God has in the air, on the land and sea the women and men needed to do His work where they are. I am thankful for the time I have with my beautiful wife. The church where we serve is full of wonderful people and is a fun place to work and minister. We do expect to receive our orders in the next month or so and leave in May… and so it is time to wait.

As we begin 2008 I pray for Peace on Earth and Good Will to All!--jdw