Monday, February 11, 2008


On Friday, February 8, 2008 I was commissioned for Active Duty as a LTj.g. in the Chaplain Corps. This was yet another great day in the journey Sarah and I are on. It was a beautiful morning with my wife and mother present. My wife was cheesing and my Mom crying. For the three years he had to deal with me I think even my commissioning officer had a tear in his eye.

Stay tuned as we find out in about month where we will be stationed. We are praying for Hawaii and preparing for North Carolina. --jdw

Monday, February 4, 2008

G.I. Jesus

I am wrestling with a huge theological issue: Should I buy a Jesus Action Figure? Enjoy your laughter but it was burned into my Christian DNA - "thou shalt not have any images of Jesus." Yet this is the coolest thing since G.I. Joe!!
I had a whole bunch of G.I. Joes growing up, of which Snake Eyes is the all time coolest!!! I spent hours and hours with my friends fighting and taking over the evil COBRA. Sometimes, okay a lot of the time, we would become our favorite G.I. Joe and take on the bad guy of the day--jumpin' and kickn' butt. There is something so cool about action heroes. They represent a strong answer to all that can go wrong in our world. Where evil is at work... G.I. Joe is there.
As I am entering Lent I am seeking to gain a new appreciation for what it means to follow Jesus. Our church is spending every saturday until easter reflecting on the Jesus' journey to the cross. What actions did Jesus take that shape my everyday actions. How did he face the evil of his day? Heavy stuff... did I mention they have a Deluxe Jesus with glowing Hands?